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What is the Family Tax Benefit? Differences Between A & B and Tax Returns

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  • Tax News
A mother working out her tax financials with her son in the kitchen

Understanding the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) can directly impact your family’s budget. In essence, FTB is a government program offering financial support across two parts: FTB Part A supplements your income based on your children’s ages, and FTB Part B lends extra help to single parents or single-income households.

Our article breaks down how to determine if you qualify, what you could receive, and how it impacts your tax return as the end of the financial year approaches.

What Is The Family Tax Benefit?

The Family Tax Benefit is an important safety net that softens the financial impact of parenting in Australia to ensure that the costs of raising your children don’t become a burden too heavy to bear. Becoming a cornerstone of Australia’s social security system, the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) is a payment that helps by providing crucial financial support to eligible families through family tax benefit part A and part B supplements. Services Australia plays a vital role in administering these benefits to the families in need.

Consisting of two components, FTB Part A and Part B, this tax benefit is fine-tuned to cater to the distinct needs of families, guaranteeing aid is dispensed where it’s most essential. The FTB Part A Supplement ensures financial support to eligible families, while the FTB Part B Supplement addresses the needs of single parents and some couples with additional financial assistance. Depending on eligibility, it is not uncommon to receive FTB Part A and FTB Part B benefits as a lump sum to assist families with the cost of raising children when it’s needed most.

Understanding FTB Part A

FTB Part A is a per-child payment, carefully adjusted to match your family’s specific circumstances. Whether you have a toddler or a teenager, the payment adjusts, providing a tailored cushion that aligns with the varied costs associated with different stages of childhood, including the overall cost of raising children. The financial support scales from a base rate of $61.46 to a generous $248.78 per fortnight for older children, reflecting the understanding that as children grow, so do their needs. But it’s not just about age; the number of dependent children and the delicate interplay with your family’s income are all taken into account when determining the support you receive. Additionally, the newborn upfront payment can provide extra assistance for families with newborns.

Delving into FTB Part B

FTB Part B exemplifies the government’s dedication to varied family structures, offering additional aid to single parents and couple families with a single main income earner, including those eligible for multiple birth allowance. This payment acknowledges the reality of single-parent families and those where one partner may be taking a step back from the workforce to care for young ones, potentially utilising parental leave pay. The rates are especially favourable for families with little ones aged 0 to 4, recognising the critical early years when parental presence is paramount.

Even as children venture into schooling, FTB Part B continues to support families until they reach the threshold of adulthood, with payments extending up to the age of 18.

Eligibility Criteria for Receiving Family Tax Benefits

Navigating the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) as a new parent doesn’t have to be complex. This benefit is designed to support families by helping with the costs of raising children, including those caring for a dependent child or a full-time secondary student up to 19 years old, who aren’t receiving any separate government pension, payment, or benefit like Youth Allowance.

Key Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Family Tax Benefit, several criteria need to be met:

Child‘s Dependency: You must be caring for a dependent child or a full-time secondary student who isn’t receiving other government benefits.

Caregiver Responsibility: You need to be involved in the child’s care for at least 35% of the time, ensuring you’re a primary caregiver.

Income Test and Tax Considerations

Understanding how your family’s income impacts your eligibility and the benefit amount is crucial. The Family Tax Benefit is divided into two parts, each influenced by your family’s adjusted taxable income:

FTB Part A: This is the more widely available part and offers financial support per child, with the rate reducing as family income increases. For families earning up to $62,634, the maximum benefit rate is available, decreasing gradually as income rises.

FTB Part B: This part provides extra help to single parents and families with one main income earner. It’s designed to support those with modest means, with eligibility and payment amounts also dependent on income levels.

The income test is a pivotal part of determining your eligibility for FTB. Your taxable income affects not just how much FTB you might receive but also plays into broader tax responsibilities. As you prepare for tax time, understanding how these benefits integrate with your tax return is important. Claiming FTB could adjust your tax calculations, impacting potential refunds or amounts owed.

Setting Up for Tax Time

As a new parent, or just a parent that’s new to taxes, it’s helpful to organise your financial information early. Knowing your adjusted taxable income can help you estimate your FTB entitlements and prepare for any related tax obligations. It’s a good idea to consult with a tax professional who can guide you through the specifics of how family benefits like FTB affect your overall tax situation.

For detailed guidance and to ensure you’re getting the maximum benefit you’re entitled to, visiting the Services Australia website or consulting with a tax expert at Shoebox Books can help you get tailored advice that considers your unique circumstances.

The Impact of Family Tax Benefits on Your Tax Return

wooden block calendar June 30 indicating Tax Return and EOFY

When tax time rolls around, the question of how FTB Part A and Part B affect your tax return becomes top of mind. Rest assured, these benefits are designed to assist without complicating your tax return. FTB payments are non-taxable and do not impact the taxable income you report to the Australian Taxation Office.

However, the importance of lodging a tax return cannot be understated, as it plays a crucial role in reconciling FTB payments and ensuring that you’ve received the correct amount throughout the financial year.

Reconciling FTB Payments

One critical reason for lodging a tax return is the reconciliation of your FTB payments. This process ensures you have received the correct amount of FTB during the financial year, based on your actual income. If you’ve been paid too much FTB, you may have to repay some money, and if you’ve been paid too little, you’ll receive a top-up.

For single parents who are unemployed and primarily receiving government benefits, you might not need to lodge a tax return, but it’s important to confirm this with Services Australia to ensure your FTB payments are appropriately adjusted and reconciled.

Complex Family Dynamics: Separated Parents and Child Support

For separated parents, the situation can get complex, especially if one parent works and receives child support. Child support payments can affect the amount of FTB Part A you are eligible to receive, as they are considered part of your family’s income assessment. Lodging a tax return accurately is essential to reflect these amounts and adjust your FTB accordingly.

Other Tax Considerations for Parents

Parents should be aware of several other considerations when lodging their tax returns:

Income Reporting: Ensure all income sources, including child support, are accurately reported.

Claiming Deductions: Understand what deductions you might be eligible for, especially related to childcare or medical expenses for your children.

FTB Part B Supplement: This payment is crucial for single parents or couple families with one main income, impacting your overall financial support. Eligibility and the correct amount are reconciled at the end of the financial year.

Shoebox Books & Tax: Simplifying Taxes for Families

Person popping coins into a piggy bank with a family cut-out, representing saving money for their family

In the intricate realm of family finances, a trustworthy partner can be a game changer, especially during the end of the financial year. Shoebox Books & Tax supports families Australia-wide, with Tax and Accounting services to help families navigate through the fiscal year with ease. Our services range from bookkeeping to tax planning, all available in neatly packaged solutions tailored to the unique needs of families, sole traders or businesses big and small.

As we draw the curtain on our exploration of the Family Tax Benefit, it’s clear that this government initiative plays a crucial role in alleviating financial pressures on families. From the tailored support of FTB Part A to the additional aid of FTB Part B for those with one main income, these benefits are designed with the family’s best interest in mind. As tax time approaches, the assurance that these benefits won’t complicate your tax return affords peace of mind.If you’d like to maximise your family’s tax return this year, find your local tax expert with Shoebox or give us a call to book an appointment today!